Privacy & Cookies

ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. e-Privacy

policy Our commitment to privacy.

Information on privacy pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”) articles 13, 23 and 26 and of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) articles 13 and 14.

Dear Customer, the correct management of your data and the trust you place in the products and services are our priority. To give you the best, in everything we do, we are committed to continuous improvement; with this in mind we will collect, use, transfer and store your data.

You have the right to be informed in a transparent way about how we process and protect this data; Please therefore take a few minutes to read our privacy policy and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

We make you feel welcome

When you visit our website and want to contact us through the form on the CONTACTS page, we will ask you to give us some basic personal information such as your name, telephone number, email and address.

We become better by making your experience memorable

The more we understand your needs, the better the experience we can give you, managing to formulate our offer based on your interests and preferences.

This document ("Information") intends to provide information regarding the processing of information - relating to users who use the services accessible from the web address ("Site") - by ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. and/or by other subjects identified for the purposes indicated below.

The information, in particular, is provided pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 30 June 2003. 196 and EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (respectively “Privacy Code”, “GDPR” and jointly “Applicable Regulations”) and concerns exclusively the aforementioned Site: therefore it does not concern any other sites that can be reached by the user via the links on the same.

1. Identity and contact details of the Data Controller

The Data Controller - i.e. the legal person that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data - is ROSSI 2003 S.R.L., with registered office

in Via Paolo Sarpi, 62, 20154 Milano


Tel: +39 02 33608378

Fax: +39 02 34536217

2. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (so-called “RPD-DPO”)

With reference to issues concerning the processing of personal data, ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be found at the headquarters of ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. itself or at the following e-mail address:

3. Categories of personal data processed

Below is the information that ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. may process through the Site, within the limits of the purposes and methods described in this Information, and which can be considered as personal data ("Personal Data") pursuant to the Applicable Regulations. In particular:

(i) Browsing data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Site acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified subjects, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of checking the correct functioning of the Site.

(ii) Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this Site entails the subsequent acquisition of the e-mail address and any other Personal Data included in the electronic communication, as well as the sender/user data, necessary to respond to the requests or to provide the service. Specific information, including brief ones, will be provided for particular services.

4. Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The Personal Data provided by users who send requests for informative material are used for the sole purpose of providing the service or provision requested, and may be known to employees and collaborators of ROSSI 2003 S.R.L., duly instructed regarding the precautions and guarantees to be adopted in the processing of the information in question, as well as by third parties who provide ancillary or instrumental services to the activity of ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. with whom specific agreements have been signed in compliance with the provisions of the Applicable Regulations.

Further purposes will be indicated to users based on the specific services they will use starting from the dedicated pages available on this Site.

5. Treatment methods

The processing of Personal Data will take place using manual, IT or telematic tools, suitable to guarantee its security and confidentiality and will be carried out by personnel duly trained in compliance with the Applicable Regulations.

Furthermore, based on the consent expressed by the user, it is possible that the same will be contacted via e-mail, text message, or through any equivalent electronic tool or by paper mail or call via operator to all the contact details provided. If you prefer to be contacted only at one or some of these addresses, you can make an express request using the form found in the Download section at the bottom of the page.

5.1 The use of cookies

The Company uses IT techniques for the direct acquisition of the user's personal identification data. For the types of cookies used, please read the so-called. “Cookies policy”, available on the COOKIE POLICY PAGE

6. Scope of communication of Personal Data

Based on the processing that the user may authorize, the Personal Data may be communicated to the subjects who provide services relating to the activity of ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. indicated in the specific information or to the Partners of ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. The information may also be communicated whenever communication may be necessary to comply with requests from the Judicial or Public Security Authorities. The Personal Data collected will under no circumstances be disclosed.

7. Data retention period (determination criteria)

Except for Personal Data provided voluntarily by the user and for which specific Information will be provided, information relating to navigation will be retained for a maximum of six months following collection; except in the case in which they must be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of computer crimes against the Site: in this case, the information will be kept available to the Authority for the time necessary to guarantee ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. the exercise of the their rights of defence.

8. Rights that are recognized to you

The Applicable Regulations grant users a series of rights including, by way of example, the right:

(i) to access your Personal Data

(ii) to request its rectification

(iii) updating and deletion, if incomplete, incorrect or collected in violation of the law

(iv) to request that the processing be limited to part of the information concerning them

(v) to transmit information concerning you to them or to third parties indicated by them (so-called "data portability")

(vi) to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons

(vii) to revoke your consent at any time by means of a written request addressed without formalities to ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. or to the DPO at the contacts indicated in points 1 and 2.

ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. reminds you that, where the response to the requests cannot be considered satisfactory, the user may contact and lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data ( in the ways provided for by the Applicable Regulations.

Customer form for exercising privacy rights


Customer form for exercising privacy rights (PDF)


Information on privacy and processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”) articles 13, 23 and 26; of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) articles 13 and 14 and of the Provision of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data n. 229 of 08 May 2014.

ROSSI 2003 S.R.L. (“ROSSIOROLOGI”), as owner, intends to provide users with some information on the use of cookies by the website (respectively “Information” and “Site”). For all other information required by legislation on the protection of personal data, please refer to the "Privacy Policy", available at the following LINK.

1. Information on cookies

Cookies are small text files that our Site sends to your terminal, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the Site on your next visit. During navigation, you may also receive on your terminal cookies from sites or web servers other than those attributable to ROSSIOROLOGI (so-called "third party" cookies), as indicated below. Cookies have different durations. They can be "persistent" and remain stored until they expire, or they can be so-called. “session” and, therefore, automatically disappear when the browser is closed.

There are various types of cookies.

“Technical” cookies: i.e. those necessary for correct and easy use of the Site, which are used to provide the service requested by you, such as, for example, the use of the vehicle configurator, the memorization of your decisions regarding the the use of cookies on our. Site and any denial, etc. Precisely due to their nature, disabling or deleting them, which is generally permitted by accessing the functions of your browser, could compromise optimal navigation on this Site.

“Analytics” cookies: analyze accesses or visits to the site, pursuing exclusively statistical purposes, collecting information in aggregate and anonymous form, without the possibility, therefore, of tracing your identification. These cookies can also be deactivated and/or deleted through your browser settings, as specified in the following point Blocking/deleting cookies.

“Profiling” cookies: pursue the purpose of analyzing your behavior and consumption habits in order to personalize the commercial offer of services and products of possible interest to you. The use of these cookies, unlike technical and analytics cookies, requires the acquisition of your prior consent, which we obtained through the banner that appears when you first open the Site.

“Third-party” cookies: While browsing the Site, you may also receive cookies from different sites or web servers on your terminal (so-called “third-party” cookies): this happens because the Site may contain elements such as , for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains (such as social networks) that reside on servers other than those of ROSSIOROLOGI. In other words, these cookies are set directly by managers of websites or servers other than the one you are currently visiting.

This website uses cookies.

Cookies are short text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Some of the purposes of installing Cookies may also require the User's consent.

Technical and aggregate statistics cookies

Activities strictly necessary for operation

This Website uses Cookies to save the User's session and to carry out other activities strictly necessary for its functioning.

Preference saving, optimization and statistics activities

This Website uses Cookies to save browsing preferences and optimize the User's browsing experience. These cookies include, for example, those to set the language and currency or for the management of statistics by the site owner.

Other types of Cookies

The Website collects statistics in aggregate form.

If among the tools indicated below there are services managed by third parties, these could - in addition to what is specified and also without the knowledge of the Owner - carry out tracking activities on the User. For further information, we recommend consulting the privacy policies of the services listed.


These services allow the Data Controller to analyze traffic data and serve to keep track of the User's behavior in an anonymous aggregate form.

Place of data processing: Italy / USA

2. The user's consent to the use of cookies

For the installation of technical cookies it is not necessary to obtain the user's consent. The site also uses so-called cookies. third-party analytics (Shinystat) which, according to applicable legislation, do not require the user's consent as ROSSIOROLOGI has (i) adopted suitable tools capable of reducing the so-called "identifying power" of these cookies and (ii) signed specific agreements with third parties who have undertaken to use the information collected only for the purpose of providing ROSSIOROLOGI with statistical information on the use of the Site.

The Site also uses third-party profiling cookies (Shinystat) which allow the collection of information on the preferences expressed during navigation: to install these cookies, when you access the Site for the first time, a summary information is displayed with which you are informed that the site uses third-party profiling cookies and that by closing the banner or scrolling the page, you consent to the use of cookies. Where the user expresses his consent, ROSSIOROLOGI keeps track of it through a specific technical cookie. In this way, during subsequent visits, the banner will no longer be displayed again.

3. Data retention period (determination criteria)

The information collected through the cookies installed on the Site will be stored in compliance with what is indicated in the "Privacy Policy", available on the PRIVACY PAGE.

4. Blocking/deleting cookies

If the user wishes to disable the installed cookies, he will have to change the settings of his browser. Please note, however, that in this case, malfunctions of the Site or some of its functions may occur. The procedure to follow varies depending on the type of browser used. To obtain detailed instructions on this matter, please click on one of the following links:

Internet Explorer





If the browser used is not among those offered, to obtain information on how to proceed you can consult the website or select the "Help" function on your browser. 5. Recognized rights For any information relating to the rights recognized to users by the legislation on the protection of personal data, please refer to the "Privacy Policy", available on the PRIVACY PAGE.
